Today, 7am, from 22 February 2019
The word asana, usually translated as posture, literally means seat. We do all we do on the mat to learn to sit still for a long period of time, in order to practice pranayama, breath control), dharana (one-pointed focus of the mind) and dyana (meditation).In our Western Culture, we sit a lot, most of us constantly, in offices, cars and sofas, but this does not mean that we know how to do it in a nourishing way. In fact, a lot of our pain and tightness comes from these seats, and their props, the chair. But the seat is more than the physical form we take. It is also our place in the world, where we locate ourselves at any given moment, the roles we take as teachers, students, workers, mothers … These are seats too, and they should be taken responsibly and with grace.Each seat we take needs to, first and foremost, invite the breath. This breath is what keeps us alive and well, allows us to think, to heal, to pause, and to energise. A steady seat also increases focus and awareness. Don’t let your seat get passive, slump, or give you backache!
Laura x
PS. I have a new website, beautifully designed by Neil Scott, which combines my artwork, my writing and my yoga. Have a look and let me know what you think! |