March 2018: On Gratitude
Today, 7am from 26 March 2018
Why write a newsletter? Why not post it on my blog or Facebook pages? I want a more direct, more personal way to contact people. I see this newsletter as a Mysore room and Mysore is definitely my favourite way of teaching yoga.
You have trusted me with your email, the least I can do is to give you something . So, along with any updates in classes, each month I will share with you three things I feel have provided an insight into yoga.
Thank you for joining me. I feel grateful for the opportunity to connect with you in writing.
What I learned this month
I spent 10 days of this month at a silent Vipassana meditation retreat in Dhamma Dipa, Herefordshire. From 4.30am to 9pm, we sat, mostly in silence, and sometimes listening to the audio recordings of S.N. Goenka. I thought I knew what medication was but the technique has little to do with the relaxations or visualisations I have encountered before. It is hard work, and it is wonderful; full of ups and downs; enlightening as to the workings of one’s mind. What I loved the most was, ironically, the silence. On day 10, to acclimatise to the world, we are allowed to speak after 10am. I lived with 60 women for 10 days and speech and voice changed all of my perceptions of them. I was so surprised some did not speak as I thought they would. Poor Emmanuela was definitely not Italian in my head.
I have written a little more here.
What I have been reading
Before going, I was furiously reading accounts of Vipassana retreats. Funny how the mind obsesses, wants to know, even though there is absolutely no way of replicating the experience … It is different for everyone … Craig Mod’s was definitely the most beautiful and accurate of the ones I have read. Since I have not written about the practicalities of Vipassana, I thought I would share it with you.
What I have been listening to
When I did my In-depth Development Training with Kia Naddermier in Paris we had one Mysore session with Yotam Agam. Yotam makes soundscapes live, with us practicing in the room. He has the sensibility of a musician coupled with the insight of what it is to do Mysore self-practice. The music was an extra assistant, lifting when I needed it. When I practice without a teacher, I let Yotam’s music teach me and it is always a fantastic experience.
Yotam’s work is different to other yoga music. Definitely not chill-out tunes or the pop songs I have sometimes encountered in Vinyasa classes, where I can’t stop myself singing (karaoke is not what I should be doing when I practice). I want to share his last recording, from 21st Feb 2018 here.
My regular classes are on a break until 23 April. At the Arlington Baths (61 Arlington Street Glasgow G3 6DT), I will be offering classes on Thursdays:
7.45 – 9.00: Ashtanga Yoga and Pranayama, £11 full price | £9 concession or included in the 8 class and unlimited cards.
18.35 – 20.30: Assisted Self-Practice (Mysore), £11 full price | £9 concession or included in the 8 class and unlimited cards.
I will also continue teaching students at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland on Tuesdays and Friday and I am considering new pranayama workshops Get in touch if you want to join one of these so I can consider your availability as much as possible.
I hope some of this inspires you this month.
With gratitude,
Laura x