Tripwire by Lee Child **
Reading dates: 25 September – 12 October 2014
I will be brief, for I am not sure this book deserves our time. I started it at the airport, on the first day of my holiday (Toronto, Montreal, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, New Jersey and Washington DC), and finished it as I touched down in Glasgow, from Reykjavik. It was a good read for the road, undemanding, gripping enough to keep me going, but, like the Bolt Bus I was traveling on, it was also utterly forgettable. The book is lucky I was in a constant state of mild tiredness because I could forgive some of the horrendous editing. A book to pass time, definitely not food for the soul. Yet, Reacher remains an interesting character. If only they had let me go through the proofs with a red pen …

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