A conversation with Carmel

22 May 2013 | ,

It has taken me over a month to recover from handing in the book. A month where, of course, I have not been idle. I have been ill, though, too often, so I am going on holiday to recover properly to the post-book catch up. Not all has been bad, though. I can now forward roll, do the crab, almost cartwheel and hand stand. not bad for someone that was never a proper child.

I am going to be writing a lot in the near future, but I am going to be dancing even more. I am straight back into it when I come back, as part of the community cast for the Barrowlands Ballet’s piece ‘A Conversation with Carmel’ at Tramway. Another performance opens for me that same week and then I will launch into a 5-day development opportunity and perfecting my backward rolls. Keep your eyes peel for writing will be an integral part of all of that.


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