Berggasse 19

15 November 2012 | , ,
Berggasse, 19
Papa Freud’s hat and cane
Ueber Cocain
Custom chair design for strange reading postures
The famous mirror
Consulting room and study
Hysteria above couch
Papa’s handwriting
Condensation and displacement in the dream-work, by Joseph Kosuth
Freud est mort
L’esprit d’escalier

2 thoughts on “Berggasse 19

  1. Laura, thank you for posting such wonderful pictures. Someday I hope to visit there as well. I trust you had a great trip.

  2. Thank you, Brian! I think you would love Berggasse 19, but, as a museum, the London one is much better (the couch is there, as well as all the other objects). Yet, visiting is house in Vienna was mystical for me. Being in the room where Dora spoke, despite it being completely empty, was incredible. I think you would like Vienna. Well worth a visit!

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