Adult love and its roots in infancy
This looks so interesting. Love. Love, that eternal question. How do we chose our love objects? Where does adult love come from?
Day Conference
at the Anna Freud Centre, London NW3
This conference investigates adult love by bringing together the worlds of psychoanalysis, literature, and performance. The most sublime, exhilarating and painful of emotions, love puzzles the intellect and almost defies description. It motivates the best and worst of us, overwhelming us with the ferocity of its demands, while thwarted love and perverse love are at the heart of much violent behaviour and neurotic suffering.
Psychoanalysis unlocks the mystery of love by tracing its roots to childhood. The conference will be of interest to anyone involved in adult psychotherapy or counselling, and anyone who has ever been in love.
Lisa Appignanesi (Chair)
All About Love: Introductory Remarks
Bernard Barnett
Psychoanalytic Love, Real Love and Love in Anna Karenina
David Morgan
Destroying the Knowledge of the Need for Love: The Perverse and Addictive Transference
Anna Furse
When I touch the keys my flesh melts: On writing Don Juan.Who?
Estela Welldon
The Dangers of First Love
Click here for speaker biographies, booking details and abstracts. And if you go, let me know how it was!