Margarita Gluzberg’s Avenue des Gobelins
With thanks to the lovely Beatriz Olabarrieta for sending me these astonishing images. So mysterious, so evocative! Well, I guess I would say that given my practice but I have spent a long while trying to figure out what goes on in the picture plain, only to be sucked in by the photograph. It is a feeling I love, so I will try to make it to the show. Nice references too: Atget, Surrealism and Chanel.

Paradise Row Gallery
74 Newman Street
London W1T 3EL
Borrowing its title from one of Eugene Atget’s iconic photographs of Parisian shop fronts, Avenue des Gobelins is a meditation on the mystical, ritual nature of material desire and consumption. The central work of this exhibition is a slide-loop projection, The Consumystic. By double and triple-exposing the film, Gluzberg adopts the analogue photographic techniques of the Surrealists to produce a mesh of consumer signs and spaces: the black gleaming lacquer of Chanel, reconfigured by the chaos of a Saturday afternoon at Primark.
2 thoughts on “Margarita Gluzberg’s Avenue des Gobelins”
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Nothing new here
Maybe ‘nothing new’ as Julia has put it, with the images, but the way in which the images are presented, through a slide projection onto graphite, in the exhibition are truly breathtaking.
one of the best exhibitions i have seen in a while!