Melanie Carvalho’s expedition
Some of my thoughts on Melanie Carvalho’s book Expedition have been published on
ART & RESEARCH, Volume 1. No. 1. Winter 2006/07, a new e-journal looking at research in contemporary art practice. Something much needed, in my opinion…
3 thoughts on “Melanie Carvalho’s expedition”
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Qu» es de tÃ, alma flotante?
Mientras estaba en NYC, me he comprado una casa en Glasgow. Algo extrao, pero ahi estoy. Ahora solo queda organizar los abogados, papeles, hipotecas, mudanzas y todo lo que la adultez conlleva. I lead a truly global life, don’t you think? Next: fotos de NYC. Que suerte que vuelvo a esa ciudad en Junio!
The materials from her trip were exhibited at Dundee Contemporary Arts, and they were interesting if not highly-eclectic. As your review indicates, I’m not too sure about flicking through them in a book.